Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A couple projects in the works

Just a little disclaimer...I'm not a great painter. I can barely paint to a tabletop standard. Hell, painting is my least favorite aspect of the hobby. But what I do know are fast and easy ways to paint that give the impression that someone with a lot more skill than I painted the mini. Here's a little hint.....
Anyway, more on that down the road....

I have a few projects in the works. I've decided to bust some tail and get some painting done. Right now I'm working on the following:
  • Iron Warriors CSM
  • Iron Warriors BFG fleet
  • Renegade IG
  • terrain
Iron Warriors
I've been collecting this army for some time now, and it's about time I get it fully painted. Thankfully, it's in the 80% painted range, so it shouldn't take too much time. But I'd at least like 1 fully painted army.
The army is a pretty decent size, around the 7-8k range including superheavies. All three superheavy vehicles need paint...the two reaver titans and brass scorpion. Thankfully, I just have a handful of infantry left to paint.

Battlefleet Gothic
What you see there is the only BFG model for my chaos fleet that I have painted in about 4 months. Actually, it's the only model I've painted to date. Luckily, I only have 5 more to go. It's more so an issue of making my attention span last long enough than it actually being a daunting task...which it isn't. Models in my chaos fleet so far: Repulsive Grand Cruiser(pictured above), Planet Killer, Styx, 2x Murders, and a Devastation. WiP photos soon to come.

Renegade Imperial Guard

When I started this project I made myself a promise. I promised myself that I was going to finish painting something before I bought more stuff. But my love for new plastic crack is too great. So now I have tons of infantry and tanks primed or without paint...and still one squad painted, and then not even 100% painted.
After reading the Gaunt's Ghosts novels, I've been wanting to do a Blood Pact army. The idea of a renegade guard army dedicated to chaos yet not just being a mindless rabble intrigued me. Sadly, my greenstuff skills are less than par so I decided against making the masked helmets that traditionally accompany the Blood Pact...and plus, the helmeted gas mask heads from Pig Iron Productions were simply too great to pass up. WiP soon to follow.


I've got a couple things I'm working on. I'm sick of seeing the primed black Bastion sitting on my shelf for months, so I threw a quick base coat of boltgun metal on it. I had originally taken a picture of it, but I think you all can image what a bastion with a base coat of boltgun metal looks like...more to follow.

The owner of my local shop was kind enough to special order me some resin trenches from Armorcast(!). Yeah I know, awesome right? Anyway, that was almost 6 months ago and I think I should get them painted sometime this year. I've got them primed grey, and I'm getting ready to go to town on them later...more to follow

Saturday, April 3, 2010

More fun with plasticard!

Here's a little preview of my IG Vet squad. Simple conversion....just snip off the tip of the lasgun up to where his hand is, then glue a small section of plasticard tubing(same stuff from before, I'm having a lot of fun with this GF9 stuff). And yes, that is a Pig Iron head.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fun with plasticard!

So I picked up the new Chimera kit today from my local hobby store. I must say, aside from the lack of a vehicle accessory sprue, I was overall impressed with the new kit. The big thing for me were the tracks being tremendously easier to glue. I also liked the turret design, which makes for easier weapon conversions than the older model. I also picked up a package of plasticard tubing by GaleForce Nine and came up with this simple autocannon conversion:
Just a simple matter of cutting two different sizes of tubing and gluing it to the heavy bolter turret mount. The same method can be used for the older chimera models using a trimmed down multilaser as a base to make some unique looking autocannons.

The shop is still waiting on the GF9 plasticard sheets to arrive. I have some good ideas for those...I like the look of the ork trukks, and I really don't want to shell out $50 for the new hellhound kit.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The start of something...

Not only is this a way for me to get some minis painted, but it also gives me an excuse to use the camera that has been sitting on my headboard since Christmas. I've got the following armies that are in horrible need of painting:
  • Chaos Space Marines - Iron Warriors(hence the name of this blog)
  • Orks
  • Renegade Imperial Guard
Be on the lookout for some good stuff.